The Rune of Punishment is said to be the rune representing forgiveness and atonement. As a cursed rune, it drains the life of its host in exchange for its considerable power. Once the host dies, their body is turned to ash and their soul absorbed by the rune, which then passes on to a new host. It is said that if a host can overcome this "time of atonement" then the curse will be lifted, but the truth of this is not clear.
Tag, you're DEAD! (Eventually.)
The rune had been sealed in the Ruins of Obel for many years before being released by the Queen of Obel in order to prevent a pirate attack on the Kingdom of Obel. Since then, the rune has passed to many bearers, from Rakgi's father to Graham Cray to his son and then to the pirates Steele and Brandeau before ending up in the possession of Glen Cott. Except for Graham Cray, who cut off his arm to escape the rune's curse, all the other bearers died using the rune.
After Glen died using the rune to repel a pirate attack on Razril, his successor, who would go on to lead the Headquarters Ship during the Island Liberation War, would end up with the rune. Although he would use it several times during the war to ward off the Kooluk Empire, he would not succumb to its curse and finally, with his strong will and the aid of all the friends and companions he made, he would overcome its curse and achieve the salvation spoken of in legends of the rune.