The Deserted Island (無人島, Mujintō), also known as Hero Island (主人公島, Shujinkō Shima), with 'Hero' being the name given to the protagonist, and Chiepoo Island (チープー島, Chīpū Shima) is a location which appears in Suikoden IV and Suikoden Tactics. It is a small island located in the central Island Nations.
This deserted island was located in the center of the Island Nations, far from any inhabited islands. As such, its was untouched and fully covered by nature. Its beautiful sandy beaches and dense jungles, as well as an underground lake, also meant the island was inhabitable.
This would prove vital when the hero, his friends, and Chiepoo would end up shipwrecked on this island for a time, following their exile from Razril. The underground lake, found at the back of the cave extending from the beach, was where the hero would meet Lilin.
Following the Island Liberation War, the mermaid siblings would return to the Deserted Island. Chiepoo would also journey to the island, using it as the base of operations for Chiepoo & Co., his business concern. The island would become increasingly named after the hero, due to the events of the Island Liberation War, whereas Chiepoo would attempt to popularize the name "Chiepoo Island" to limited success.
Early game
Enemy Units | |||||
Name | LV | HP | Potch | Drop | |
Giant Bat | 16 | 96 | 400 | Leather Wind Rune Piece | |
Pearl Crab | 15 | 77 | 340 | Pearl Shell | |
Wild Crab | 17 | 90 | 380 | Shell Seashell | |
Boss Crab | 36 | 1300 | 1000 | Crab Bun Giant Crab's Shell |
Late game
Enemy Units | |||||
Name | LV | HP | Potch | Drop | |
Dry Fly | 42 | 500 | 1200 | Wind Rune Piece Feather | |
Golden Wing | 42 | 650 | 1300 | Leather Lightning Rune Piece | |
Moss Behemoth | 45 | 2000 | 2700 | Horn Earth Rune Piece | |
Queen Sprout | 46 | 3000 | 8000 | Silk Fire Rune Piece | |
Savage Frog | 44 | 2300 | 2800 | Frog's Skin Water Rune Piece | |
Ancient Crab | 50 | 12000 | 25000 | Giant Crab's Shell Fire Rune Piece |
- Genso Suikoden Kiwami Encyclopedia, pages 482, 554